Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lake Laogai

Lake Laogai is the secret headquarters of the Dai Li. The headquarters is hidden beneath the waves of Lake Laogai. This is where agents take lawbreakers to be brainwashed. It is also the place where agents can relax after a long, hard, day.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


All agents of the Dai Li can Earthbend. They are shown to be quite powerful, but silent Earthbenders. The Dai Li work their Rock Gloves with Earthbending, and use it to maneuver quickly.

Friday, October 3, 2008


The Hancuffs are a favored weapon of the Dai Li. An Agent can hide the Handcuff in their robe, and then fire them out with great speed and precision.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rock Gloves

Rock Gloves are the favored weapons of the Dai Li. An Agent can use them to fire off individual rocks, or launch the whole glove to entrap an opponent.

The Dai Li In Book 3

The Dai Li appeared only twice in Book 3. On the day of the eclipse, Azula kept two Dai Li Agents near her while the sun was dark. She used them to stall and use up all of team Avatar's eclipse time. The Dai Li appeared again in the Firelord's throne room, coming to Azula's call. She complained that they were five minutes late, so she banished them.

The Dai Li In Book 2

In Book 2, the Dai Li were the secret police of Ba Sing Se. They arrested anyone who talked about the war with the Fire Nation. They were the first "silent earthbenders" we saw in the series, preferring to remain stealthy until the right moment to strike. When Azula came to Ba Sing Se, she took control of the Dai Li and organized a coup to overthrow the Earth King. The key to this was the Dai Li.